Friday, March 21, 2014

not really about me

I am going to write about my self because my teacher expects that all high school students are snarky little narcissists who only think about them selves, but instead of writing about me, because there is nothing I can learn about myself, lets write about you. Then again I can't write about you because by the time you read this I will have already wrote this in the past so I don't know who is reading this, therefore I can not write about you, unless of course I knew in fact that it is you, Mr. Walske, who will be reading this, in which case I could ask you, at this moment that i am writing this, to tell me about yourself, but you probably don't want to read about your self in just the same way that I don't want to write about my self.  Unless you happen to be a narcissist, but if I were to write about you I would be learning something, because that's what schools about isn't it?  Therefor I will not be writing about myself being that I would learn nothing from such a venture.

Monday, January 27, 2014

#16 old

Its a great program. I have personally learned a lot from it, and im a better typer because of it.  What a journey it was to find a great typing program until I stumbled across this one.  It is very efficient and easy to use including being able to change the speed of the game.  Therefore I have learned much from it.  

Friday, January 24, 2014


Previously I have used typing programs in and outside of school. Since then I have improved my typing skills at this school. 

I have informed you thusly

Thursday, January 23, 2014

#14 old

1 Minute

2 Minutes

3 Minutes

4 Minutes

5 Minutes
My favorite game was Spacebar Invaders